·出生年月:1985年11 月
·2011-2016 英国剑桥大学,建筑与艺术史学院,建筑学,博士
·2008-2010 意大利米兰理工大学,建筑与社会学院,建筑学,硕士
·2004-2008 上海同济大学,建筑与城市规划学院,历史建筑保护工程,学士
·2016.10- 至今 苏州大学建筑学院
·2015-2016 亨利·雷士德基金会 (henry lester trust ltd, uk) 奖学金.
·2012-2015 中国留学基金委 “国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目” 全额奖学金(博士) .
·2011-2014 剑桥大学哈默顿学院研究与会议经费.
·07/2013 欧盟erasmus 强化培训项目奖学金 (木结构专题).
·07/2012 欧盟erasmus 强化培训项目奖学金(钢铁与混凝土专题).
·2011-2012 亨利·雷士德基金会(henry lester trust ltd, uk) 奖学金.
·2011-2012 壶院 (kettle's yard) 旅行奖学金.
·2008-2010 意大利外交部全额奖学金(硕士) .
·2008 上海市教委上海市普通高等学校优秀毕业生.
·2005-2008 (连续三年)同济大学建筑与城市规划学院风土保护奖学金.
·2004-2008 (连续四年)同济大学优秀学生一等奖学金.
·潘一婷, [ 英 ] 詹姆斯·w·p·坎贝尔, “建成环境‘前传’——英国建造史研究”, 建筑师, 2018 (5): no.195, pp.23-31.
·潘一婷, “意大利建筑遗产抗震保护的挑战与思索——以马扎拉圣方济各修道院为例”,建筑遗产,2018(2):no.10, pp.53-62.
·潘一婷, “解构与重构:《建筑新法》与《建筑百科全书》的比较研究”, 建筑学报, 2018(1): no.592, pp.92-96.
·潘一婷, “隐藏在西式立面背后的建造史:基于1851年英式建筑施工纪实的案例研究”, 建筑师, 2014 (8): no.170, pp.117-126.
·潘一婷, “英国建筑保护教育述要:以剑桥大学为例”, 常青(主编), 历史建筑保护工程学--同济城乡建筑遗产学科领域研究与教育探索. 上海: 同济大学出版社, 2014, pp.340-352.
·潘一婷, 李浈. “发现、整合和表达——芜湖古城肖家巷历史建筑的保护再生设计探讨”, 华中建筑, 2010(4): no.155.
·[法]布鲁诺·门戈利/宋欢,唐思远,潘一婷(译), “大巴黎计划:城市遗产的保护与再生” (greater paris: a territory between recycling and heritage),建筑遗产, 2017 (3), pp.15-23.
·[英]詹姆斯·w·p·坎贝尔/潘一婷(译), “英国的风土建筑” (vernacular architecture in the united kingdom),建筑遗产, 2016 (3), pp.54-67.
·潘一婷, “剑桥:一座英国建筑的纪念碑,世界遗产地理2016 (8), pp.28-33.
·yiting pan, james w.p. campbell, “a study of western influence on chinese building tools in chinese treaty ports in the early 20th century”, journal of asian architecture and building engineering, vol.17, no.2, pp.183-190.
·yiting pan, james w.p. campbell, “a study of western influence on timber supply and carpentry in south china in the early 20th century”, journal of asian architecture and building engineering, vol.16, no.2, may 2017, pp.247-254.
·yiting pan, james w.p. campbell, “12th-century chinese soft doors and english medieval tracery doors: useful reminder of the dangers of visual comparison”, in j. campbell, etc. (eds.), the proceedings of the six conference of the construction history society, queens’ college, cambridge, 5-7 april 2019.
·yiting pan, j. w.p. campbell, “the influence of english books on building construction on early 20th century chinese building manuals”, pp.33–42, in j. campbell, etc. (eds.), studies in the history of construction: the proceedings of the second conference of the construction history society, queens’ college, cambridge, 20–21 march 2015.
·james w p campbell, nina baker, amy boyington, michael driver, michael heaton,yiting pan, henrik schoenefeldt, michael tutton and david yeomans(ed.), studies in the history of services and construction: the proceedings of the fifth conference of the construction history society, construction history society, 2018 (isbn 978-0-9928751-4-5)
·j. campbell, n. baker, m. driver, m. heaton,y. pan, t. rosoman, m. tutton, d. yeomans (ed.),building histories: the proceedings of the fourth annual construction history society conference, construction history society, 2017. (isbn 978-0-9928751-3-8)
·j. campbell, n. bill, m. driver, m. heaton,y. pan, m. tutton, c. wall, d. yeomans (ed.), further studies inthe history of construction: the proceedings of the third annual construction history society conference. construction history society, 2016. (isbn 978-0-9928751-2-1)
·j.campbell, w. andrews, n. bill, k. draper, p. fleming,y. pan(ed.), proceeding of the first conference of the construction history society, construction history society, printed by short run press,2014. (isbn: 978-0-9928751-0-7)
·y. pan, 'the smarter city in our mind', pp.42–50, in luca mf fabris (ed.), re-startingfrom quarto oggiaro, milan. toward a new kind of smart city, maggiori editore, santarcangelo di romagna (i), 2014. (isbn: 9788838762819)
·valerie paolozzi,y.pan, miruna pavoni, robert alex stefan. “eco-bell”, visions on mass-housing sustainable rehabilitation--student workshop, bucharest, february-march 2010, edited by rodica crisan, zina macri, andra panait (bucharest: editura universitara “ion mincu”, 2011): p118-34, p190-7.
·国家自然科学基金青年项目(national natural science foundation youth fund):“基于建造学视角的中英近代建筑比较研究——以上海为例” (基金编号:51708376),主持,在研
·2017江苏省教育厅高校哲学社会科学研究基金,爱国主义情感下的近代战争‘记忆景观’的建构研究(基金编号:2017sjb334), 主持,在研