[1] 国家自然科学基金面上基金:城市边缘区乡村空间重构的用地功能权衡-协同机制分析与优化研究
[2] 江苏省高等学校基础科学(自然科学)研究面上项目:大城市边缘区乡村发展转型模式、重构路径与优化策略研究
[3] 国家自然科学基金青年基金:顾及城乡共生关系的城市边缘区建设用地空间布局优化配置研究
[4] 中国博士后基金面上项目:基于空间交互的城市边缘区土地利用优化研究
[5] 苏州市科协软科学项目:城市边缘区空间范围识别与协调发展综合评估:以苏州市为例
[1] 田雅丝,毛倩鸿,李纯 钱晶.(2023).区域一体化视角下长三角地区生态用地时空演变影响因素.生态学报(13),5406-5416.
[2] zhang, y., yu, p., tian, y.*, chen, h., & chen, y. (2023). exploring the impact of integrated spatial function zones on land use dynamics and ecosystem services tradeoffs based on a future land use simulation (flus) model. ecological indicators, 150, 110246.
[3] jiang, y., zhu, y., & tian, y. * (2023). measuring the urban sprawl of a mega-urban agglomeration area based on multi-dimensions with a mechanical equilibrium model: a case study of the yangtze river delta, china. land, 12(8), 1548.
[4] tian, y.*, & chen, j. (2022). suburban sprawl measurement and landscape analysis of cropland and ecological land: a case study of jiangsu province, china. growth and change.
[5] tian, y.*, & wang, l. suburban development and its effects on ecological landscape. asian rural future 2030, 72.
[6] tian, y.*, & qian, j. (2021). suburban identification based on multi-source data and landscape analysis of its construction land: a case study of jiangsu province, china. habitat international, 118, 102459.
[7] tian, y.*, qian, j., & wang, l. (2021). village classification in metropolitan suburbs from the perspective of urban-rural integration and improvement strategies: a case study of wuhan, central china. land use policy, 111, 105748.
[8] tian, y*. (2020). mutualistic pattern of intra-urban agglomeration and impact analysis: a case study of 11 urban agglomerations of the mainland of china. isprs international journal of geo-information, 9(10), 565.
[9] tian, y*. (2020). mapping suburbs based on spatial interactions and effect analysis on ecological landscape change: a case study of jiangsu province from 1998 to 2018, eastern china. land, 9(5), 159.
[10] tian, y.*, & wang, l. (2020). the effect of urban-suburban interaction on urbanization and suburban ecological security: a case study of suburban wuhan, central china. sustainability, 12(4), 1600.
[11] tian, y., & wang, l*. (2019). mutualism of intra-and inter-prefecture level cities and its effects on regional socio-economic development: a case study of hubei province, central china. sustainable cities and society, 44, 16-26.
[12] tian, y., kong, x. *, & liu, y. (2018). combining weighted daily life circles and land suitability for rural settlement reconstruction. habitat international, 76, 1-9.
[13] tian, y., liu, y*., & kong, x. (2018). restructuring rural settlements based on mutualism at a patch scale: a case study of huangpi district, central china. applied geography, 92, 74-84.
[14] tian, y., liu, y. *, liu, x., kong, x., & liu, g. (2017). restructuring rural settlements based on subjective well-being (swb): a case study in hubei province, central china. land use policy, 63, 255-265.
[15] tian, y., kong, x. *, liu, y., & wang, h. (2016). restructuring rural settlements based on an analysis of inter-village social connections: a case in hubei province, central china. habitat international, 57, 121-131.
[1] 2019年日本乡村规划学会春季年会最佳发表奖
[2] 2022年苏州市自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖
[3] 2020年苏州大学第十九届青年教师课堂教学竞赛三等奖
[1] 肖骏,田雅丝,朱薏,陈俊燚. 城市生态导向发展水平综合评价与优化策略,2022年城市规划年会收录、宣讲
[2] 陈俊燚, 田雅丝, 汪千琦, 陈凯璇, 李龙翔, & 刘逸灵. (2021). 江苏省城市边缘区识别及生态空间格局分析. 面向高质量发展的空间治理——2021 中国城市规划年会论文集 (08 城市生态规划).
[3] 王睿瑶, 田雅丝, 张惠莉, 王志伟, & 陆婧文. (2021). 公共卫生视角下城市公共空间安全评估及响应——以苏州市为例. 面向高质量发展的空间治理——2021 中国城市规划年会论文集 (01 城市安全与防灾规划).
[4] 陈俊燚,王睿瑶,王萌狄,俞仁雯,汪千琦. 顾及城乡交互关系的城市郊区生态安全评估,2019年中国自然资源学会第一届大学生自然资源科技作品大赛三等奖
[5] 陈俊燚,陈凯璇,李龙翔,刘逸灵,汪千琦. 基于多源数据的城市边缘区识别及生态用地格局分析——以江苏省为例,2020年第二届全国大学生自然资源科技作品竞赛优秀奖